School of Légèrté

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For the Horse

Respect for your equine partner

Classical Methods

Learn from the Masters, join the training Renaissance

Lightness & Balance

Train your horse like the athlete they should be

I believe that owners have the best intentions when working with their horses. We want the horses to preform at the best of their abilities but don’t know how to help them...

Unfortunately we may use training methods we have seen other riders use them but we don’t question why they do things or how they would affect the horse.

The School of Légèrté was founded by Phillipe Karl and It uses NO artificial aids (such as tie downs, side reins, draw reins, tight nose bands, etc.).

Légèrté teaches the horse the correct movements and balance so that they can perform with strength and confidence.

I don’t choose to do Légèrté because I think it is a ‘fad’ or ‘method’.

It is simply the correct way to train a horse - It is clear, fair, and most importantly effective.

I have committed myself to a three year Teacher’s Course program with the end goal of becoming a certified teacher of Légèrté.

Currently there are only two certified teachers in Canada with a small handful of trainee-teachers in my program

Légèrté has improved my horses balance, strength, and movement and I would love to help you with yours!

Philippe Karl is the founder of the School of Légèrté and has authored a number of books and DVD.

These materials are a great reference to Légèrté and I would highly recommend them!